I get drawn in when I feel there is something deep and mysterious going on beneath the surface of something. - Steven Pinker

Currenltly Under Construction

Located beneath a flower boutique in Ul'dah, the aptly named Basement is home to a hidden facet in the Jewel of the Desert.Warm and inviting, the bar features a specialised menu - but only the finest ingredients to mix most any drink, depending on staff. You're welcome to one of the few barstools, or the nearby seating.Mateus, Goblet, Ward 25 Plot 30

(Note: Bartender reserves the right to decline off menu drink requests on a case by case basis with or without reason. (You can order off menu, but don't be difficult about it without reason.)
(The bar charges real gil for drinks, and you are given an item in exchange. Please see the Menu for more information.)

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If privacy and comfort be what you seek, rest assured you will have to sacrifice neither. Open, yet still feeling close, cozy, and intimate, the seating is a welcome and inviting sight.

Private Seating

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Neatly tucked away above the bar, this private seating is perfect for discussing plans and politics away from prying ears.


Thanalan Sunset - Handrolled cigarettes containing Mistress Jesal’s own herbs; smoking these will put one in an extremely laid-back state of mind. Sometimes accompanied by a full-body warming sensation, this cigarette is best enjoyed with friends.-Sora - A small, brightly coloured tablet made mostly of an extract from the cactuar flower; this will give you mild feelings of euphoria, and also send your pleasure receptors into overdrive. Even just the slightest touch will send shivers down to one’s toes. (Caution: Causes mild dehydration, and should be taken along with several glasses of water.)-Combust - This warming mixture, crafted with clary sage, coneflower, and rue will heal you just as well as it bolsters you. When imbibed, it will imbue the body with a sweet little buzzing sensation that sets the blood to singing. It induces a subtle high, but will make the body hot to the touch. Two doses per bottle. (Body hot, buzzy feeling, like drinking a shot of extremely strong whiskey.) (An amber colour, nearly glittering where it sits. It smells of whiskey, and of ginger. It tastes much like a stiff drink would, though the effects are more long lasting and nearly instantaneous.) (Provided by Crescent Tree Apothecary, owned by Serin and Yesui Avyeroz.)-Candies of various flavours, imbued with the same extract prevalent in Thanalan Sunset. Types of candies include: chocolates, soft chews, and hard candies with a soft center. Candy Flavours include: "Would I Lime to You"; "Raspberry Nice"; "Banana Hammock". Chocolates available in dark and milk.

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Healthy Living Potions

Standard healing potions in varying strengths (highly diluted to concentrated)
Standard ether potions in varying strengths (highly diluted to concentrated)
Standard elixirs in varying strengths (highly diluted to concentrated)

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Poisons and Antidotes

Poisons of various strengths and severities, and their antidotes, ranging from mild irritants to full-blown sedatives.

Goods and Services

Poisons of various strengths and severities, and their antidotes, ranging from mild irritants to full-blown sedatives.

Please ask a member of staff or management for a discord invitation.


J'roshi Jesal

Age: Mid thirties
Role: Owner, Proprietress, Botanist
"Is that so?"

Trianna Ryu

Age: "36"
Role: Investor, Inventor, Cleaner

Meleda Foxfyre

Age: 30
Role: Professional Pain in the Ass
"There is no good or evil. There is only fun and boring."

Garrik Fallon

Age: "42"
Role: "Procurement", Security
"Manners Maketh Man."


Raef Kett

Age: 83
Role: Bartender
"Let me guess. A Foxtrot?"

U'rabe Mhas

Age: 20
Role: Bartender, Acquisitions
"...Anyway, that's why you should always-- Oh! Your drink's empty? How about a refill then?"


Age: Early thirties
Role: Bartender
"Rules aren't real, babe. Now you want that shaken or stirred?"


Akemi Komatsu

Age: 22
Role: Hostess
"Fine drink, warm company or other pleasures...to offer all is my delight."

Maddelyn Rithe

Age: 35
Role: Hostess
"Don't let your bad days trick you into thinking you have a bad life."

Elliana Nassih

Age: 28
Role: Hostess, Bard
"Sometimes we need to take charge to make our fortunes happen."

Mei Tsurugi

Age: 26
Role: Hostess
“It seems your sleeve has a stitch loose! Pardon me, May I sew that back up for you? I can fetch you a drink after you’re all patched up!”

Orpheus Astrophel

Age: A closely guarded secret
Role: Host
"The stars foretold of our meeting, dearest, but they did not mention the lovely hue of thine aether or the flutter of thy heart. Pray let him fetch thee libation most potent so that we may converse."

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Who We Are

We are a group of like-minded individuals looking to play and enjoy a darker side of roleplay in Final Fantasy XIV.

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What We Do

We roleplay for the most part, with the community and each other as a company, as well as some PVE content (like maps).

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Why You Want to Join Us...

You probably want to join us because you are looking for an active, close-knit group with which to explore the criminal side of roleplay in Final Fantasy XIV.If you made it this far and want to apply, please speak to a recruiter for more details.